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About Philéole


The etymology of the name Philéole

What does the name Philéole mean? Where does our slogan “Make the wind your friend” come from?

Philéole is the composition of two Greek words. Philos

(φίλος) means “friend, a person who loves”. Eole comes from the Greek word Aeolus, meaning “quick-moving”. In Greek mythology Aeolus (Αολος) is the master and steward of the winds!

Make the wind your friend!

Historiy of Philéole

Philéole was born of the desire to use the power of the wind to produce electricity. Wind is all around us. It has different forces, both stable and turbulent. It is present in every country and in every type of environment, whether it be an energy-isolated environment or a hyper-connected urban environment.

In 2014, after several months of development, the concept of the Philéole mini wind turbine emerged. Several designs were tested. The mini wind turbine was tested in wind tunnels at the University of Liège, the Vrije Universiteit in Brussels and the Von Karman Institute. After years of optimisation, Philéole can now present a safe and ecologically sustainable product: a recycled and recyclable vertical axis wind turbine for independent and renewable electricity production.

Initially, Philéole focused on producing the nautical mini wind turbine: ready to serve sailors around the world. It can be fixed to the top of the masts of sailing boats. It captures energy from all wind directions at sea and in harbours.

Today, the Philéole mini wind turbine goes far beyond its initial ambitions. It’s a unique product in a rapidly expanding market, ready to capture energy wherever there’s enough wind. In addition to the nautical mini wind turbine, several adapted versions have been developed:

Rooftop wind turbines: designed for individual homes and small businesses to help them become more energy self-sufficient, or for rural or isolated areas to give them access to renewable energy without having to rely on conventional infrastructure.

Wind turbines for public infrastructure: designed to power equipment such as public lighting.

At the same time, Philéole has strengthened its commitment to sustainability by further improving the recyclability of its wind turbines and adopting innovative materials from the circular economy


Philéole team members

Jean-Luc Bodart


Serial entrepreneur, keen on new challenges. Married for 30 years and father of four children. Friendly character capable of building a strong network of knowledge and equipped with skills in customer relations, sales and marketing. Dynamic, enthusiastic and commercial.